Messages from the Readers


Ian Goodacre , Canada,10 February,2003

I came to "A Personal Record of Hiroshima A-bomb Survival" by chance yesterday and read Mr. Terao's record. Today I returned to read the messages from readers. It is a very thought provoking collection, and I thank you and everyone involved for keeping it here for me to find it.

I have known war only through television and books, mostly from an American perspective. I have from my grandfather "Hiroshima" by John Hersey: a set of articles from The New Yorker, which I read when I was young, and now this site. I know I am very lucky to live in peace, while I live in a society and a world which is not at peace.

I believe I am a peaceful person, but I wonder: how can we stop hatred and violence without being hateful and violent? What can I do? What should I do?

Thank you again. Your site has touched another person far from its origin.

Ian Goodacre

Henry A Jewell, U.S.A.,21 February,2003

i read with great interest your website...and the survivors accounts about the a-bomb and its father was in the United States army in europe when the a- bomb blasts happened in japan...his army outfit was scheduled to ship out for the invasion of japan...because of the a-bomb my father never had to go to japan...he returned to the United States and married and had 3 his peacetime employment my father worked in the United States nuclear program...he was exposed to many hazardous substances.... he died of metatastic cancer...more than likely from his exposure to the nuclear program...we have all paid a price for atomic weapons...may they never be used again...may Japan and the United States always be friends...Henry A Jewell

Miho Mukai, Tokyo Japan,16 June,2003

When I was in the sixth grade of an elementary school, I learned for one year about World War 2, including A-bombs, of course.

I was always feeling terrible whenever we learned the tragedies. Most of the classes was of on Okinawa battle, but I was taught on Hiroshima as well. I visited Okinawa in October and heard about the battle from the storytellers and those who had experienced the war.

Whenever I was aware of, my notebook was wet with my tears running down my cheeks. I couldn't understand at all why so many innocent people had to die. This time, I came across with Terao Memoir web site that made me think again on the war.

I have learned that all the people who experienced the war told us without exception that such a tragic thing should never take place again.

I think that war is a sort of display of the killing machines. What people can get through the war are absurd power and the sorrow of the victims. This is why I made up my mind that I should do what I can do now. Thank you very much for your reading of my opinion.

Miho Mukai

The first grade of a junior high school

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