
The Terao memoir and responses posted
in personal computer communication group COARA.

abomb,Hiroshima,hibakusha,atomic,bomb,war,peace,nuclear,weapon,Enola Gay,Little Boy,Manhattan project


A Personal Record of Hiroshima A-bomb Survival
Takeharu Terao, Aug.1991
The memoir of Mrs. Terao
On the re-posting to ‚v‚v‚v
Update! Messages from the Readers
Last Update 22nd. June 2003

Messages from all around the world
Many messages are sent to this site not only from domestic readers,
but also from overseas readers in the USA, Norway, and Canada.

Born and bred in Hiroshima
Look back my birthplace Hiroshima from apart

Yuki Furusho

A-bomb and I
Playing A-bomb survival in the performance
Naoko Hashimoto

Hiroshima,nagasaki,and Korea
Chika Sekine

An E-mail from Prof. Sunghee Lee,South Korea
He was moved by the Terao Memoir and decided to use it in his textbook
for the English course students of Changshin College Masan, South Korea.
He also kindly sent a message to this site.

Impressions of the students on "The Terao memoir"
The sixth grade pupils of Taihaku Sendai Municipal Elementary School
The fourth grade pupils of Higashi Itou Municipal Elementary School

The sixth grade pupils of Atta villege-run Mourai elementary school in Hokkaido Island
The second grade students of Sohou Taketa Municipal junior high school

By Reading my Uncle's Memoir
Mari Terao

My grandfather's experience of A-bomb
Kanae Ichinose,one of the readers

Visit to Masan, Korea Mieko Nagano
COARA on the 20th JUNE,1996
From the Translator
From the Editor

Last Modified :22nd June , 2003

Then photographs in the text were returned from the US Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and supplied by the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation

Ryoji Matsumurairesponsible for planning and compilingj

Since 1st Aug. 1996